Board must move quickly

Published 8:39 pm Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Editor, Smithfield Times

I read your editorial (as I do every week), and was surprised at what I read. We all have different opinions on most any subject. but in this case I strongly disagree with you on the subject of the new board letting things ride for a year or so until the board is well entrenched and knowledgeable on all of the boards duties.

One thing I believe the new board learned was that very few people, including business people, like doing business at the Isle of Wight government offices. The reason is that the people are nøt friendly or helpful when citizens or business people go there for help or to conclude business transactions.

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I, myself, try to avoid personal contact like the plague when I have to conduct business with them. In any business the employees’ attitude is guided by that of the management, which has been and still is poor and not caring for the citizens that pay their wages.

Absolutely. the new board should insist on friendly, knowledgeable, helpful and professional service by the new administrator and all county employees. I constantly read and hear about this county wanting more industry and business to locate within the county. To do that the government must make business feel wanted and be helpful in the relocation process.  

For that reason alone the new board cannot wait to make changes. They must hit the road running, resolving the problems that they were elected to resolve.

Over the years that I have read your articles and editorials, I have generally agreed with you. However, this week was not one of them.

Ray Baxter