Legals 05-16-18

Published 4:07 pm Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Notice is hereby given that the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, May 17, 2018, to consider an ordinance to amend and reenact Chapter 11.1, Music or Entertainment Festivals to include new permitting requirements for public demonstrations on public land. The public meeting portion of the meeting will commence at 6 p.m. A copy of the proposed ordinance is on file in the Office of the County Administrator, Isle of Wight County Courthouse, Isle of Wight, Virginia 23397, and is available for public examination. Any person desiring to be heard in favor of, in opposition to, or to express his views with respect to, the proposed ordinance may appear before, and be heard by, the Board during the Public Hearing in the Robert C. Claud, Sr. Board Room, Isle of Wight County Courthouse, Isle of Wight, Virginia. If you require a reasonable accommodation, please make requests to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting at (757) 365-6204.




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Notice is hereby given that the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, May 17, 2018, to consider an ordinance to amend and reenact Chapter 15, Taxation to reorganize, clarify and update the ordinance to current law and practice. The public meeting portion of the meeting will commence at 6 p.m. A copy of the proposed ordinance is on file in the Office of the County Administrator, Isle of Wight County Courthouse, Isle of Wight, Virginia 23397, and is available for public examination. Any person desiring to be heard in favor of, in opposition to, or to express his views with respect to, the proposed ordinance may appear before, and be heard by, the Board during the Public Hearing in the Robert C. Claud, Sr. Board Room, Isle of Wight County Courthouse, Isle of Wight, Virginia. If you require a reasonable accommodation, please make requests to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting at (757) 365-6204.






v. Civil Action No. 18-376

the unknown heirs, devisees and successors in interest of PETER GIBBS, et al.,



The Plaintiff filed this suit pursuant to Va. Code § 58.1-3965, et seq., to enforce its delinquent tax liens against the following real estate standing in the name of Peter Gibbs: Tax Map No.: 34-01-065 Brief Description: Channell Way

An affidavit having been filed that the Plaintiff used due diligence to locate the unknown heirs, devisees and successors in interest of Peter Gibbs, Lillie C. Gibbs, Lorraine Winnegan, Catherine Gibbs Jones, Phillip C. Gibbs and Russell Gibbs, but without effect; that the post office addresses of the unknown heirs, devisees and successors in interest of Peter Gibbs, Lillie C. Gibbs, Lorraine Winnegan, Catherine Gibbs Jones, Phillip C. Gibbs and Russell Gibbs are unknown; that the Plaintiff served Defendant Mattie Mangum, if living, by substitute service upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth at her last known address of 2710 S. 80th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19153 and has used due diligence to ascertain any other location for her, but without effect; that the Plaintiff served Defendant Alfonia Heard, if living, by substitute service upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth at her last known address of 500 Essex Street, Apt. 15, Lynn, MA 01902 and has used due diligence to ascertain any other location for her, but without effect; that the Plaintiff served Defendant Janie Hunt, if living, by posted service at her last known post office address of 112 Eberly Terrace, Hampton, VA 23669 and has used due diligence to ascertain any other location for her, but without effect; that the Plaintiff served Defendant Lenious C. Gibbs, Sr., if living, by posted service at his last known post office address of 3001 Montpelier Place, Apt. 105, Hampton, VA 23666 and has used due diligence to ascertain any other location for him, but without effect; that the Plaintiff served Defendant George Jones, if living, by posted service at his last known post office address of 12519 Smiths Neck Road, Carrollton, VA 23314 and has used due diligence to ascertain any other location for him, but without effect; that the Plaintiff used due diligence to locate John Richardson and Michael Jones, if living, but without effect; that the post office addresses of John Richardson and Michael Jones, if living, are unknown; that if Mattie Mangum, Janie Hunt, Alfonia Heard, Lenious C. Gibbs, Sr., John Richardson, George Jones and Michael Jones are not living, the Plaintiff used due diligence to locate their unknown heirs, devisees and successors in interest, but without effect; that the post office addresses of the unknown heirs, devisees and successors in interest of Mattie Mangum, Janie Hunt, Alfonia Heard, Lenious C. Gibbs, Sr., John Richardson, George Jones and Michael Jones are unknown; and that there may be other persons having an interest in the property whose names and addresses are unknown, and those claiming through the aforementioned parties, all such persons made defendants as “Parties Unknown.”
It is ORDERED that this Order be published at least once a week for two successive weeks in the Smithfield Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Isle of Wight, Virginia, and that the parties named herein appear at 9 a.m. June 6, 2018, in the Isle of Wight Circuit Court Clerk’s Office and do what may be necessary to protect their respective interests.
Entered this 4th day of May 2018.
TESTE: Sharon N. Jones, Clerk

By Kathleen S. Torrence
Chief Deputy Clerk

James J. Reid, Esq., VSB No. 45796
739 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite 105
Newport News, VA 23606
Phone (757) 595-4500/Fax: (757)595-6723
Counsel for the Plaintiff


Public Hearing Notice

The Virginia Department of Transportation and the Board of Supervisors of Surry County, in accordance with Section 33.1-70.01 of the Code of Virginia, will conduct a joint public hearing in the General District Court Room of the Surry County Government Center, 45 School Street, Surry, Virginia at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 7, 2018. The purpose of this public hearing is to receive public comments on the proposed Secondary Six-Year Road Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2019 through 2024 in Surry County. Copies of the proposed Plan may be reviewed in the Department of Planning at the Surry County offices located at 45 School Street, Surry, Virginia.

All projects in the Secondary Six-Year Plan that are eligible for federal funds will be included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), Which documents how Virginia will obligate federal transportation funds.

If you are disabled and require assistance or special accommodations in order to participate in the hearing, please contact the Virginia Department of Transportation at (804) 524-8427, or call the Surry County Administrator’s office at (757) 294-5271, at least seven days before the hearing.

By order of:
Tyrone W. Franklin,
Surry County Administrator



6778 Colonial Trail, Surry, VA 23883

By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated September 27, 2006, and recorded in Deed Book 210, Page 620 in the Clerk’s Office for the Circuit Court for Surry County, VA, securing a loan which was originally $154,400.00. The appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction at the front steps of the Circuit Court of Surry Co. at 28 Colonial Trail East, Route 10 and 31, Surry, VA 23883-0203 on:
June 6, 2018 at 9:00 AM
improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Surry County, Virginia, known and designated as Parcel “C” as shown on that certain plat entitled, “Plat of the Property of Lief Hoffmoen – Parcel C, Bacon’s Castle Baptist Church, County of Surry, Virginia”, made by Walters Land Surveying, Ltd., dated September 20, 2006, a copy of which plat is attached hereto, and as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold “AS IS,” WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the time of sale. A deposit of $20,000.00, or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, in cash or cashier’s check payable to the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE will be required at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are received in the office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and expenses of sale and Substitute Trustee’s fee. All other public charges or assessments, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay the seller’s attorneys at settlement, a fee of $445.00 for review of the settlement documents.
Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding.

FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Rosenberg & Associates, LLC(Attorney for the Secured Party)4340 East West Highway, Suite 600Bethesda, MD 20814