Letters to The Editor – December 5th, 2018

Published 5:05 pm Tuesday, December 4, 2018

This has to stop

Editor, Smithfield Times
After reading Mr. Lyons letter (Communists & Democrats) last week, I was at first incensed, but after some reflection I realized that a response addressing his talking points was what is wrong with our political system.
Too many people put their feeling out there with no thought what their invective causes and, of course, a response filled with the same hate. This has to stop!
An old adage when I was growing was “ if you can‘t say something good about someone, say nothing.”
We seem to have forgotten this. When I was growing up we did not have access to millions of people. You usually had to say it to someone’s face. 
It is easy to talk radical or slanted views when you know there will be no consequences.
Our country does not need this. We need to actually try to figure how to get back on track. Gridlock has done nothing to help this country. Blame isn’t helping, either.
We need to get rid of big money buying out politicians. It should just be the individuals’ money.
I would really like to see campaign limits. Six months for our representatives, nine for our senators, and one year for president. Constant campaign ads are driving me crazy.
People running for office should be limited to what they want to achieve and how they will obtain it. Negative ads would result in a fine. Just my opinion.
Harry Harrington

Aghast at IW priorities

Editor, Smithfield Times
This is nothing new. My intent s to continue to impress upon the county supervisors that many of us who live and pay taxes in Isle of Wight county are, as William Harrison put it, aghast at the fiscal priorities exhibited by these supervisors. We can’t fund the animal shelter and we can’t care for the homeless, but we can fund a bike trail at $6 million, which may serve one tenth of one percent of the population if we are lucky.
Willamena Thomas

Kudos to IW schools

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Editor, Smithfield Times
As recently reported in this newspaper, the Isle of Wight school system intends to start an alternating week schedule as part of its Career and Technology Education initiative. As a member of the Parental Advisory Committee, I’ve been able to learn more about this innovative schedule and why the school system is interested in implementing it.
Such a schedule would allow those students who are interested in non-college career tracks to spend a given week completing the core courses that are necessary for graduation (math, English, etc.), and then the next week entirely focused on getting hands-on training in their field of interest, whether it be welding, a building trade, cosmetology, agriculture, agribusiness, nursing, culinary arts, or global logistics. They would then go back to their core courses for another week, and so on, continuing to alternate throughout the year.
These large blocks of time would allow the students more time to complete more complex tasks, as well as giving them time enough to participate in training coordinated with local, regional, and international businesses, such as Newport News Shipbuilding or Liebherr Mining Equipment Co. Thus, the county would be able to give our kids who are interested in working in the trades a leg up on the competition by allowing them to pursue certifications in their field before they graduate, putting them in a position to get higher-paying jobs right out of high-school, while simultaneously continuing to successfully prepare our kids who prefer to attend college.
Although this approach has been successful in other schools, IOWC Schools would be the first Virginia county to utilize such a schedule, putting us in the admirable position of preparing as many of our kids as possible for success beyond high school. Now that is something that every citizen of Isle of Wight County should be able to get behind.
Matt Thomas

Appalled by story

Editor, Smithfield Times
I was appalled after reading the article on the Carrsville animal seizure incident.
Civil charges against these individuals should also, in my opinion, include taking them to the same wooded area in Carrsville, making them live in unsuitable, roofless housing, in muddy, cold, wet conditions. Let them eat moldy, mosquito larvae-infested bread and sleep in the pens full of partially decomposed feces that these poor defenseless animals had to endure for God knows how long before the buzzards alerted Isle of Wight animal services of their conditions.
I feel strongly that the laws in Isle of Wight County are too lenient in animal cruelty issues, and the persons who commit these awful crimes.
Criminal charges should be brought against these persons if the evidence obtained by the Animal Control Officers would allow a prosecutor to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that these individuals are guilty of animal cruelty and abusive neglect.
Until government laws better protect helpless animals that do not have a voice in their care and humane treatment, these heinous crimes will continue. Stricter laws may also help the already stressed and understaffed Animal Shelter staff who participated in the rescue of these neglected, abused animals.
Debbie Brinkley

Christmas has changed

Editor, Smithfield Times
What is Christmas? It isn’t about the birth of Christ anymore. It’s all about Santa Claus, decorations and presents for everyone on your list.
It’s about spending money you don’t have and putting it all on your credit card, then wondering how you are going to pay for it.
Christmas is all one big joke anymore.
Ruth E. Price