Letters to The Editor – August 21st, 2019

Published 4:14 pm Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Hooray for Bambi

Editor, Smithfield Times
After living here for 30 years, I know that deer eat flowers including, I assume, sunflowers. Hooray for Bambi and crew. What did you expect?
Dorothy Pearson

National Night Out

Editor, Smithfield Times
Two weeks ago we, and all of America, celebrated National Night Out. Coordinated by the Smithfield Police Department with strong support from a variety of quick response organizations, including the Smithfield Fire Department, the IOW Emergency Rescue Squad, the IOW Sheriff’s office and others, the result was a highly informative evening at Smithfield Center. 
There were a number of trinket handouts that not only had a useful purpose but contained information on how to act in emergencies and what phone numbers to call. There were also demonstrations by the various organizations using their equipment, which had been brought to the scene. 

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It was a great opportunity for the citizenry to meet with these first responders and to get to know them better. And, most importantly, there were hot dogs and ice cream for all. It was a vey professional undertaking and enjoyed by all who attended. National Night Out is the second Tuesday in August so mark it on your calendar for 2020.
Ed Mortimer

Sea level rise

Editor, Smithfield Times
Blue Uprising, a surfing and environmental-focused Political Action Committee (PAC) is thrilled to host coastal candidates for a climate change focused forum on Aug. 21 at 5:30 p.m., 5307 E Virginia Beach Blvd #102 Norfolk.
Due to Virginia’s sinking land, the sea level around Hampton Roads is over 14 inches higher than it was in 1950, according to HYPERLINK “https://www.tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/”NOAA. Behind New Orleans, Hampton Roads is the largest population center at risk from sea level rise in the country. “How can we be this vulnerable, at the top of every list, and not discuss sea level rise at every opportunity we get? It is our obligation as a community to address it. Our entire economy and the people that live here are at stake. Those are two things I will not gamble with.” Said Laura Harbr, local business owner and candidate Virginia Beach City Treasurer.
The forum will give the candidates an opportunity to share their thoughts on how to handle climate change at the state, national and global levels. Leaders from conservation organizations and local elected officials will pose questions based on climate change issues and ocean voter specific topics such as: flooding, economic justice ties to climate change, off-shore drilling, sustainable fishing and single use plastic.
The Hamptons Roads community is in a unique situation, they are at the forefront of the effects of climate change. Virginia Voters deserve to have representation in Richmond that will be working tirelessly to find a solution. One of the main principles of Blue Uprising is to help elect coastal politicians who do not play politics with coastal issues such as rising sea levels. We are excited to kickstart this conversation and take this forum nationwide.
William Rinehart
Blue Uprising