Rally organizers appreciative
Published 6:03 pm Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Editor, The Smithfield Times:
The Carrollton Civic League, the Isle of Wight Citizens’ Association and the Southern and Central Isle of Wight Citizens’ Group heartily thank everyone who attended our “Back the Blue” rally Saturday in support of local law enforcement. We were gratified that so many citizens turned out to show their appreciation for our brave men and women in blue.
Special thanks to our Commonwealth’s Attorney Ms. Georgette Phillips as well as Supervisor Dick Grice and Mayor Carter Williams of Smithfield for their heartfelt remarks in praise of our local law officers. U.S. Rep. Bobby Scott also expressed his support but sent polite regrets that he could not attend due to COVID considerations.
Thanks also to the wonderful remarks sent in by Harry Twiford, vice president of the state Fraternal Order of Police, that were read by Volpe Boykin.
We also had a couple of other speakers who maybe got a bit too enthusiastically “political,” but I think everyone understood and accepted that, given the nature of the topic, it was probably unavoidable.
But the real stars of our rally were, of course, the law enforcement officers who attended as well as those who could not because they were already on duty for us. Our personal apologies to those in attendance because, at the start, we assured them they could remain on the sidelines, but then asked them to come forward to be recognized and publicly thanked. Sorry, guys, but we just love you too much!
Much thanks again to the community for showing up and expressing your appreciation for the difficult and brave work that our law enforcement officers do each and every day for us.
Albert Burckard
Carrollton Civic League
Herb DeGroft
Isle of Wight Citizens’ Association
Volpe Boykin
Southern and Central Isle of Wight Citizens’ Group