Don’t destroy town’s character

Published 5:15 pm Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

I am alarmed and very concerned about the proposals to develop the Mallory Scott Farm properties on Battery Park and Nike Park roads.

The original plan was to construct 265 houses and now this has expanded to a proposed 1,106 residential units. These lands are currently mostly woods and fields and contribute greatly to the pastoral character of our community.

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Development is destructive to the natural environment and has a negative impact on the water table, water supply, sewage disposal, traffic, population density, air quality, wildlife and, I am sure, many other aspects of the environment of which we are not aware. Many of these qualities of our environment are nonrenewable.

My wife and I retired here a decade ago from living over 30 years in Northern Virginia and having experienced the rampant destruction and permanent effects of development in that part of the state. It saddens me greatly to think that the same loss to the quality of the community could happen here.

I urge members of the Town Council and Planning Commission to carefully consider and appreciate the charm and natural beauty of this corner of Tidewater that all of us have chosen to make our home. Development is inevitable but can be carefully considered and minimized so as not to destroy the valuable and unique character of this place we love.

Development is destructive; this is a fact. All aspects of the impacts of the process and final results of development must be carefully considered and limited or the open spaces, woods, fields, beautiful waterways and wildlife that we now enjoy and treasure may be lost forever.


Steven Shephard

Gatling Pointe