Can You Get Your Degree Online? Here Are A Few Options

Published 9:24 am Monday, August 23, 2021

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In the times we are now, especially following the virus that’s ravaging the whole world, getting a degree online is fast becoming a popular choice among intending and postgraduate students. It is not only easier for one to find universities online, they can even get to discover some free institutions.

Research has shown that in the United States alone, more than 6 million students were registered in a minimum of one online course in the 2015/16 school year. Some of the most popular online institutions have recorded that about 50% of their online students are from countries outside the US. 

While in the United Kingdom, the number of international students who are now deciding to study online at UK-based colleges from wherever they’re located is steadily increasing. Take for instance how in 2016, there was a 135% increase in South Africans who registered for online degrees in universities in the UK.

There are quite a number of good reasons why studying online is becoming an option for most people. One of which is how it allows you to remain focused on whatever you got going in your home country and at the same time, furthering your education. So, if you’re planning on getting your degree online, here are some options to look into. 

Decide What Institution You Want To Go

First things first, decide on which school you want to get your degree from and if they’re offering virtual learning. As you’re looking at your institution of choice, you should also take your preferred course of study into consideration. 

If there are more than one universities that are running the program you’re interested in, it would be helpful for you to streamline your available options with reference to the school. That way you get to see which school is best suited for you.

There’s no doubt that narrowing down your options can be difficult when you have thousands of universities to choose from. Getting quick degrees can be easy when you know to use the right channels. Who knows you might even get access to scholarships if you know where to look.

Carefully Select Your Degree Program

Selecting your degree has been briefly discussed above but more insight is needed. There are already so many degrees to choose just as there are several institutions, hence, it is important that you do take enough time to pick a program that essentially matches what you want. 

If you’ve seen a program that picks your interest, don’t hesitate to make more inquiries about them. Ask for specifics and details about them that can help you from the advisor of your choice university. Sometimes you could even connect with graduates of the institution so you can speak to them directly about their experiences and ultimately decide whether or not the program is suited for you. 

Equally important to consider is the specific entry requirements of the degree for each school you intend to pursue. They usually demand a minimum GPA and require that you submit SAT scores alongside proof that you’ve completed high school. Students from non-English speaking countries would demand a TOEFL score as proof that they’re proficient in English.

When you become aware of what the degrees require from you, select a couple of them or more that interest you and meet your needs. Apply to them and you might stand a chance of gaining admission into the institution of your dreams. To be realistic, it might not work out for you the way you want but do keep applying and you’d get an admission soon. 

The Institutions’ Accreditation

In searching for an institution to get your degree online from, one of the most crucial things to consider is if the university has been duly accredited. Being accredited means the school has gotten formal recognition that it has quality educational and ethical standards, world-class instructors, and an ethical admissions process.

That can’t be overemphasized and do make sure that proper research is done on the accreditation of your chosen university before enrolling in a program. Accreditation makes sure that you do receive a quality education from the school. Before you say who cares about accreditation, keep in mind that it sure can save you a whole lot of trouble when it’s time to get a job. As a matter of fact, most employers would not consider hiring some with a degree from an unaccredited institution.

Consider Your Budget

As you well know that online degree programs are generally less expensive than normal programs, they can still be on the high side. So while you’re still in the planning stage, make sure that you already have a budget for your studies. That way, you have a range of how much money you can afford. Decide to live your life, unlike most people who get drowned in student loans. Do everything in your power to avoid that at all costs. It is better to attend a less popular accredited institution than a popular one that would drain you financially.

The program you wish to go for might be expensive and you might feel loans are your option but it would be better to see if you qualify for financial aid and apply to as many scholarships as you can find. Getting a part-time job to help pay your way through school is another option to consider or seeking a job that can help pay for your program.

But then, if funds are a big issue, opt for low-cost or free programs that you can apply for. The only drawback you might experience is that you might not have the freedom of selecting any course you want

What’s It Like Taking Online Courses?

A very valid question if you’ve never taken a course online. It is completely different from on-site learning. To function and make the most of it, you need to understand that you won’t be communicating physically. You have to get adjusted to that so you can be productive. Also, considering there are no compulsory classes scheduled means you’ve got to step up. 

It has been made certain that it is possible to get your degree online but you have to weigh the factors to see if it’s best for you or not. Looking on the bright side, it is kind of convenient to have a flexible schedule but you’d also need to be ready to take responsibility.