Biden bungles Afghanistan

Published 5:34 pm Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

The New York Times, a liberal newspaper, the Washington Post, and others all agree on something. They rarely do. The consensus matches the letter I sent to President Biden on Aug. 21.

First, my current thoughts.

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Biden has created in Afghanistan, by refusing the advice of his many advisors, military and political, a condition reminding me of a Friedrich Nietzsche quote, “I’m not upset that you lied to me; I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you. “

This is not only now true of President Biden. Russia, China and several of our allies have publicly stated the same regarding the reputation of the United States of America. The president should resign due to his failed judgment. He won’t, relying on being a Santa Claus president, buying votes with giveaways.

The letter that I sent follows:


Dear President Biden,

I knew you when I was 21 years old, have observed you for nearly 50 years. This decision and action in Afghanistan is typical of all of your foreign relations decisions, poorly planned. 

You abandoned our people in Afghanistan, rather than make it clear, as was advised and planned by others, that Taliban stay out or be attacked. President Biden, you, again, blamed Trump, saying you are bound by his agreements. If Trump had promised to have sex with them, would you have done so? Trump promised to cut their heads off if the Taliban even looked like a threat. You did not do that.

You have let America look like traitors, not only to allies, but to all Gold Star families, to my military friends, to all of us who lost friends over there. You have really disappointed and embarrassed us. 

Several of the terrorists released from the prisons there promised today in interviews, “World Jihad is to come. We are ready now to conquer.” The expansion of world terrorism has been promised and you have made this a likelihood.

President Biden, you have disappointed your constituents. You are a foolish foreign policymaker.


Dorien and Cheryl De Lusignan
