Change coming to Carrollton

Published 3:33 pm Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

If you’re like me, you may have noticed the construction of The Crossings and Archer’s Meade. It started with trees being torn up, then dirt was moved around for about a year, and now they are finally building (WOW!). Construction has finally spilled into the intersection of Carrollton Boulevard and Brewers Neck Boulevard.

If you’re like me, you may be scared and feel uneasy about the coming changes. How will I navigate this redesigned intersection? When will I be able to leisurely drive through the soon-to-be developments to gawk at the new houses and their inhabitants? How will I deal with the influx of new residents near me?

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If you’re like me, you may have a proposal. My proposal is this: Isle of Wight County should collaborate with Paul D. Camp Community College to create an adult education program so that we can learn about how to navigate these changes. It seems like a one-credit course would be sufficient.

The topics covered might include changes in traffic patterns, effective use of honking and turn signals, coping with increased light and noise pollution, and how to interact with newcomers to scenic Carrollton and Smithfield. Upon completion, the students could even take a field trip to the intersection and new developments to put all this knowledge to practical use.

If you’re like me, you may be reaching in your pocket already to dig around for tuition money. I will say this: you are not alone. I know that we CAN navigate these changes together.


Steven Burton
