Letter – Trump’s problems are self-inflicted

Published 7:20 pm Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

Donald Trump has stated that the indictment for his mishandling of classified material was “baseless.” Really! 

He and his people refused to turn over classified documents for a year. Trump is accused of showing off with classified documents. What an idiot. That is not the Deep State. That is Trump! Polling presently shows that 27% of Republican primary voters will definitely not vote for him. That’s more than the 24% who stated they will definitely vote for him. The midterms proved that “Trumpsters,” those who preached election fraud, won primaries but not general elections. This pattern will apply to Trump as well. Just because Trump is Trump. The math for him to win against Biden is simply not there. 

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Similarly, Hillary lost because she could not excite her base. I can see a rerun on the way, in slow motion. Trump could get the nomination then lose the election, further endangering our democracy with his accusations and lies.


Hunter Lackey
