Letter – Interesting IW election choices
Published 4:56 pm Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Editor, The Smithfield Times:
We have a write-in candidate whose claim to fame is stepping down early from his command position in the VFW and being a Californian newbie who’s against the Grange project in Smithfield. But what is he for?
Without a carefully thought out platform, he’ll be a single vote on a five-member board facing an incredibly steep learning curve. We don’t need that! I voted for the candidate who actually qualified to be on the ballot and who has served in an elected local government position. In addition, she has years of stellar performance in community, school and public service. Join me in voting for Renee Rountree.
We have an attorney, public defender, running for Isle of Wight clerk of court. I’m under the impression that passing the Bar demonstrates legal aptitude but not a predisposition for strong administrative, managerial and people skills. These are the skills required for the clerk of court. I voted for Laura Smith who has spent years working in that office.
Then there’s someone running for the District 2 School Board seat who holds an executive position in the Norfolk Public School District, a district that ranks far below Isle of Wight schools. His schools have a lower graduation rate, higher absenteeism and substantially lower SAT scores. Yet they spend more per student than we do, but to what effect? Just what would he bring to our school board?
Mark Wooster ran last year, filling a School Board vacancy. Once seated, he kept his promise of removing access to pornographic materials from elementary and middle school children’s reading lists. Plus, he has continuously voted to put parents back into their children’s education equation. I cannot vote in District 2, but if I could, Mark would be my choice along with my longtime colleague and friend William McCarty for Board of Supervisors.
Then there’s the District 1 (Smithfield) School Board race. At the last school board meeting, Ms. Denise Tynes voted against implementation of the governor’s transgender policy. In essence, she believes school folks know what pronoun is best for your child and you don’t? Couple that with overspending the 2022 school budget while she was the chairperson leaves no choice. She needs to be replaced. Please vote for Brandi Perkins.
Dick Grice