Letter – Watch debate carefully

Published 7:01 pm Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

As most of you already know, there is an important presidential debate this Thursday, June 27, at 9 p.m. 

Turn off the cable news networks and watch the whole debate for yourself. See everything that takes place rather than just what the various cable outlets want you to see and hear (repeatedly).  Then, THINK about all that you see and hear before you make your own assessment of which candidate is worthy of your support.  

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Don’t throw your mind away and rely on a political party to tell you who is the best choice or on a news outlet to bully you into supporting the candidate who scores ratings for them. Our founding fathers knew that a strong democracy needs all people to exercise their minds, read a variety of sources for information (not just the sources they agree with), do research to check all that is being said, and pay attention to what the candidates have actually done. 

Yes, it’s a time-consuming process, but so is watching every game for the NBA, NHL, MLB or NCAA playoffs. Take the time to be as educated (not brainwashed) about the candidates as you are about your favorite sports teams and heroes.  

We need a leader who will uphold the Constitution and live by the rule of law. Watch the whole game (debate) and then decide for yourself. I believe our democracy is worth the investment of your time and energy.  


Donelda Carson
