Letter – Surry citizens feel ignored
Published 2:32 pm Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Editor, The Smithfield Times:
Chairman Robert Elliott has repeatedly said that Surry County’s Board of Supervisors’ job is to do the best for all of Surry’s citizens. I beg to differ!
He refers to 10 people not representative of the county, however there is seldom anyone present at the monthly meetings who agrees with the actions of his board.
It seems to me that the chairman and the county administrator cannot accept any disagreement and certainly not any criticism of their actions. They ignore respectfully offered suggestions or disagreements with their decisions, and react with hostility to those offered without what they consider proper humility.
The Preamble to the Bill of Rights, states: “Congress shall make no law respecting … the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” Or complaints and disagreements.
Many citizens are not in favor of a financially bloated and irresponsible budget, and many of Supervisor Amy Drewry’s constituents’ opinions concerning the proposed budget influenced her to object to it. To be singled out by the county administrator and accused of racism as the reason for her objection is inexcusable.
Mrs Drewry protested the accusation, and the county administrator sent an email to the supervisors, again stating racism was a part of her objection. In a later closed session Mrs. Drewry implored the board to take some action to address the accusations. It became clear that the board’s three-member majority had no intention of doing so. When that was made obvious, she reached out to her district members, which is allowed by Virginia Code.
Surry County’s board chair became infuriated, and together, he, the county administrator and the county attorney conspired to change the county’s existing code of ethics to allow public censure of anyone who discusses what the county staff deems confidential. Rather than confront or admit to racism on the part of the county administrator, they chose to respond to the victim punitively.
The county administrator is to be secretary to the board; her actions are to be dictated by the board. She has only the discretion she is given by them. So, it is my opinion that the ugly head of racism has arisen here but not by Mrs. Drewry.
Helen Eggleston