Letter – Surry sets poor example

Published 4:07 pm Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

In reading the editorial (“Saddened by Surry turmoil”) and the letters to the editor (“Racial distrust plagues Surry” and “Surry citizens feel ignored” in last week’s Smithfield Times, I am saddened beyond words. I had no idea that this sort of racism was so prevalent in any place near here. 

I may be naive, but I thought adults had learned to play together nicely in this day and age. But perhaps I am totally wrong. It could be because I was raised in the North (I know, shocking) and then lived in Hawaii among the locals for 20 years. 

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In Hawaii there are so many races and they all get along. I kind of got used to that and now I see this stupid behavior in Surry and it just knocks my socks off. What is wrong up there? If they cannot get along, how can we ever achieve world peace?


Linda Reagan
