Letter – Governance  by domination

Published 3:04 pm Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

Rotating the chair and vice chair positions on a Board of Supervisors is a sign of healthy governance. 

Why? It takes politics out of the equation. How? Whoever has been vice-chair rotates up to chair. Next, a board member who has not served in either of those positions is elected vice-chair, and so the cycle continues until each elected official has had an opportunity to represent their districts in a leadership position. This gives each district, and therefore the citizens, equal representation through opportunities to have their representative create the agenda. 

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Each district, fairly, enjoys its moment in the sun. By rotating, it takes the politics and back door deals out of the equation, everyone always knows who will be chair, and allows each district to participate equally. These positions are intended to be rotated, not dominated.

Unfortunately for our citizens, Surry County has rarely in recent times rotated the chair. This year, the same members were elected both chair and vice chair, despite requests from other members to serve. This has created a culture of dominance by a few, to the detriment of many.

Domination of leadership by two districts means that challenges important to the majority of citizens continue to go unaddressed. So I ask the fellows I serve with, “Is there no room for compromise in your vision of government, sirs?” In marginalizing my citizens, indeed a majority of citizens, this bullying practice of dominance needs to end. 

We can grow our county with shared, just representation, which includes rotating the leaders. Dominance by a couple of districts is divisive and easily addressed. A simple rotation would do.


Amy Drewry

Surry County supervisor

Dendron District