Understanding Metal Braces for Orthodontic Treatment

Published 9:04 am Thursday, August 26, 2021

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Do you want to improve your smile with neat teeth? In terms of orthodontics, there are many options to choose from, including transparent braces, lingual braces and ceramic braces. They put traditional metal brackets in the shade. However, if used and maintained properly, metal braces can provide advantages over other modern braces.

 What are braces used for?

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 The most common reason for wearing braces is to correct, straighten and straighten the gap between teeth. These gaps are used to reposition and align the teeth in the jaw, gradually reduce the gaps that are too large, and reposition teeth that may be too close, friends or close.

The braces are also widely used to correct malocclusion or malocclusion. These conditions can cause the upper and lower jaw to move during the bite, which can interfere with speech and may cause discomfort during chewing. So, visit https://familybraces.ca/ for your dental treatment. Here are some benefits of using metal braces to straighten your teeth.

Rugged and durable:

 orthodontic treatment is expensive; expect to pay thousands of dollars for braces. Therefore, you should choose a brace that does not break after a short period of treatment and needs to be replaced. Other devices, such as ceramics, are not as fragile, but more likely. Broken compared to metal clips.

 For those who lead an active lifestyle and a lot of physical activity, the risk of collapse is particularly high. Metal braces will withstand these tests and may continue the entire treatment process.


 Many people will be surprised to find that good old metal clips get the highest praise, but when other models are feasible, this may not meet Everyone’s taste.  And it is worth remembering that the metal brackets that suffered the most in all movies in the 1980s are no longer what they used to be, but are now more compact and convenient. Many young users are taking advantage of the opportunity to use stripes of different colors.

 Professionals and athletes may need something less conspicuous or not easily damaged in their daily life, so you can customize the lingual braces (placed behind the teeth) or Invisalign (removable transparent plastic splints, called For orthoses).

These are affordable:

 Traditional braces are cheaper than some other options and are usually covered by insurance. If they are not insured, we accept a special credit card called CareCredit. It is specially developed for the purchase of orthodontics, allowing you to pay for treatment without a down payment, annual fee or interest.


The archwires connect the bracket. It is the mechanism that puts the teeth in place. The archwire can be made of stainless steel, nickel-titanium or copper titanium.

 Root resorption:

 Root resorption is the shortening of the root during braces. Sometimes this is just a slight dullness of the root tips and will not cause permanent problems to these teeth. You may feel that the root has been shortened by half or more. This can seriously affect the long-term health and stability of the affected teeth.