Teach, enforce ‘no wake’ zones
Published 5:34 pm Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Editor, The Smithfield Times:
I suppose it was inevitable that the canoe launch at Windsor Castle Park would break. The roller segment at the outboard end of the floating platform became separated.
The most likely cause was a large power boat planing past the canoe launch. Most power-boaters make a conscientious effort to honor the “no wake” zone, but some just blaze past it. Others are confused by the meaning of the “no wake” signs. I recently watched a boat slow down as he approached the upstream sign and then get back on a plane immediately upon passing it without realizing that the “no wake” zone extends to the next sign about 500 feet downstream.
I occasionally see police boats visit the canoe launch to restock brochures about life vests, but I’ve never seen any enforcement of the “no wake” zone. Perhaps it would help if signs were erected at the Contz Park and Jones Creek boat ramps noting the locations and extents of the “no wake” zones on the Pagan River, Jones Creek and Cypress Creek.
Greg Vassilakos