Letter – Grateful for help in time of need

Published 5:19 pm Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

I would like to sincerely thank all the kind men who responded to my 911 call for help on Nov. 17.

I awoke to find my husband of 39 years, Bruce Steffey, dead on our kitchen floor just after 9 that morning. The faucet in the kitchen sink was running full blast and it appeared that my husband had fallen backward into the refrigerator and lay on his back with his head propped against the door.

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I deeply appreciate all of the kind words of comfort and caring from these fine men along with Deputy Franklin and the chaplain, Marty Lee, from the Sheriff’s Department, who came to help me and my son, David Lyons, in our time of sadness and need. David was at work in Chesapeake and came immediately to my call. Thank you, Son!

I wish each of you good health this holiday season and God bless you all.


Linda Gould Steffey
