Letter – Parents, stand  up for your kids

Published 4:42 pm Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

When a parent sends a child into a school, the parent should be able to assume (never assume) that the child will be taught the “three R’s” with a loving kindness directed toward them for their academic and mental development. When the parent sees that this is not happening or has gone in a direction that is not in keeping with their knowledge and standards, then the parent must stand up for their child because no one else will.

When you try to broaden the mind of a child, that child knows that his or her parents approve of the content they receive. So when a school employee says the books here are for you, the child knows the parent has given approval.

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If a school employee takes a child aside and says that it is OK for him or her to feel certain things others may not, well, that employee just crossed a line.

So banning of books: Should books in school be books of truth? How about Playboy magazine? If schools can have drag queens, why not strippers?

You see, schools have been and always should be what the parents want, not the government.

Why don’t we know who killed Kennedy? What about the Gulf of Tonkin? Hilter, Stalin and Mao would love this country now because the government says what is truth and not the citizens.

Remember a child’s mind is the start of lifelong learning. Do you want that mind to come out after 12 years to be strong or like a bale of hay that can easily be changed and set on fire? That’s a parent’s decision.


Nonnie Minga

Eure, North Carolina