Letter – Need all facts on COVID shots
Published 5:36 pm Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Editor, The Smithfield Times:
I believe that it is important that parents are aware that the Virginia Department of Health still hasn’t decided on whether the COVID-19 injection will be put on the childhood schedule. A recent Israeli study shows that “zero healthy individuals under the age of 50 have died of COVID-19 in Israel …,” according to this article: https://www.theepochtimes.com/zero-young-healthy-individuals-died-of-covid-19-israeli-data-show_5293587.html?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=TheChiefNerd&src_src=partner&src_cmp=TheChiefNerd
Are you aware of the Pfizer documents for the COVID-19 vaccine? I have personally spoken with five doctors, and they were unaware. The Food and Drug Administration tried to have the documents sealed for 75 years – until 2096. A Texas judge ordered the release and the first set came out on March 1, 2022. https://www.fdanews.com/articles/206113-federal-judge-tells-fda-it-must-make-public-55000-pages-a-month-of-pfizer-vaccine-data
There are nine pages of adverse reactions that were known by Feb. 28, 2021, over two years ago. Within these nine pages, there are approximately 40 autoimmune diseases, over 20 immune-mediated diseases and over 50 types of herpes.
To find this in the full document, go to www.phmpt.org, click on documents, type in the search bar 5.3.6; for the adverse reactions go to pages 30-38. Please note that these are only the side effects known as of Feb. 28, 2021.
Did you hear about the hepatitis outbreak in children last year? Six different types of hepatitis are listed in these 9 pages.
Shingles (also called herpes zoster): I know of eight people who have gotten shingles. Two of them are in their 20s. Doctors said that it was because of stress. This normally occurs in people over 50.
The Centers for Disease Control had to be sued twice to release their own V-Safe data. https://icandecide.org/article/v-safe/ Out of approximately 10 million F-Safe users over 7.7% had a health event requiring medical attention and another 25%, 1.2 million, were unable to perform normal activities. https://icandecide.org/v-safe-data/
Moderna also needed a lawsuit to release its data. The data will hopefully begin to be released soon. https://icandecide.org/press-release/breaking-icans-attorneys-score-another-major-win-against-fda-with-pfizer-and-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-documents/
I am a strong supporter of “informed consent.” Unfortunately, our government and main stream media are not educating the public, so it is left up to “we the people.”
Jennifer Herget