Letter – Thanks Tuberville for taking stand

Published 4:01 pm Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

I’m writing to commend U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., for his courageous stance in blocking military nominations and promotions in order to end military “out of state” abortions on the taxpayer’s dime. 

With increasing fervor we are governed by agency statutes and executive order, rather than the constitutionally required machinations of legislative debate and the passing of laws by our elected representatives.

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Tuberville, in holding these promotions “hostage,” is exposing several critical issues for the American people. The first being that seldom, if ever, does Congress give these nominees the consideration required when such important positions are being filled. “Merit” and proven ability should be the deciding factor. Consider President Joe Biden’s nominee for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. CQ Brown. Under his leadership, the U.S. Air Force has seen significant decline. Thank you, Senator Tuberville!

Additionally, Tuberville has exposed the arrogance of the military to suddenly change a long understood practice of NEVER using federal tax dollars to support abortions. The Supreme Court has affirmed that abortions are not under the auspices of the Constitution and are therefore not under federal jurisdiction, rightfully pushing abortion to the states. Thank you, Senator Tuberville!

Woke bureaucrats, the upper echelons of our military and the established “uniparty” are subverting American ideals and driving American culture to extinction with woke ideologies. Senator Tuberville is THE ONLY senator possessing the integrity and courage to make this stand. 

Thank God for Tuberville, a former Auburn football coach and leader of men! Missing from this conversation and from many others are Virginia’s U.S. senators, Tim Kaine and John Warner.

Thank you, Sen. Tuberville. God Bless America! War Eagle!


Laura Fletcher
