Letter – She supports the Grange

Published 4:04 pm Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

Until recently, the entrance to the town’s historic district through the Main Street corridor at Route 10 was composed of sallow fields, a tear-down house and barn, and a long, one-level cinderblock building placed on a larger slab of concrete. 

A proposal has come before the town to develop the 57-acre property with desirable housing for young professionals, the lack of which has been lamented for years. As well, the planned mixed-use development would include a hotel, restaurant and other commercial space to produce goods and services for a growing community.

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What do we want? I am throwing my full support behind this innovative, farsighted project. It can only enhance what we have now and anchor Smithfield to a bright future. 

And the sausage making? Leave it to the sausage makers. You don’t want to fall into that mixing bowl. It’s so unattractive.


Constance Rhodes
