Letter – Don’t widen Nike Road
Published 7:02 pm Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Editor, The Smithfield Times:
I read the letter to the editor in the April 3 edition (“Infrastructure realities”) stating that Nike Park Road must be made into four lanes immediately. I am still shaking in my boots.
Does the writer realize how many homes will have to be eliminated by doing this? Does he realize that a relatively peaceful country road would be turned into another Route 17 with speeding vehicles racing back and forth day and night?
People living in Poplar Harbor would also be affected if Nike Park Road is widened into four lanes. I assume that the first house in our lane as well as the woods along the road and the lovely trees and flowers at the entrance will have to be taken out and the second house will be very close to the highway. Property values will plummet for most of us on that lane. And the property values for most of the existing homes along Nike Park Road will not matter because they won’t be there any longer.
In my opinion, it is a terrible idea to widen Nike Park Road just to make it faster for people to get to work and back. Folks can avoid most of Nike Park Road by taking Titus Creek Road. Please do not ruin what is now a road that is as country as it can be. Please leave us in peace.
Linda Reagan