Letter – Development harms wildlife

Published 4:05 pm Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Editor, The Smithfield Times:

For our Isle of Wight County leaders who keep approving massive Carrollton residential developments: Our state protects against encroaching on the marshes, but what provisions has Isle of Wight taken to re-home the wildlife that are rapidly losing their decades-old wooded homes?  

Our leaders should care that when the developers tear down massive amounts of trees/woods that the deer, raccoons, woodpeckers, etc., lose their homes and thus arrive in our old neighborhoods. Where are they to go, but into our neighborhoods searching for food and shelter?  

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We’ve had many more deer in our yards not only at dusk and night, but in the mornings and afternoons. Many deer are hit by cars, creating dangers to people, to our vehicles and to the deer when they jump in front of vehicles. 

Residents spoke up years ago against huge 2040 developments in Carrollton, which now looks similar. We already have too much development approved in Carrollton, worsening our congested roads and crowded schools. Contractors and this county should work on improving our old developments, including rebuilding some old homes and updating us from septic to sewer. After all, this is 2025. We’re tired of this nonstop building with no regard for quality of life.

We have one way out of our neighborhood to get to Carrollton Boulevard, and these roads will be jammed in emergencies. Have the “visionaries” approving this new vehicle growth even planned for emergencies?  

Most people can’t move, especially when Isle of Wight was in their retirement plans. When do the taxpayers get heard that we want our peace back and not bottleneck traffic? Where is the wildlife compassion from a county that once claimed to be rural and asked us to “envision the Isle”?  

The only vision seen lately in Carrollton and Smithfield are tractors tearing down trees for more crowded developments. Another “envision” is Carrollton Boulevard becoming Mercury Boulevard, but at least Mercury Boulevard has three lanes.  

Trees are needed to protect from floods and help our air quality, and trees supply wildlife their very existence! When and where will “Bambi” finally get to keep his permanent home?


Aurora Lambright
