The curse of death

Published 8:49 pm Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Editor, Smithfield Times:

As a resident of the Newport District, I hadn’t yet decided for whom I would vote for Supervisor, even though I was troubled by Mr. McCarty’s endorsement from the local Tea Party group. But since Mr. McCarty’s endorsement from Stan Clark in The Smithfield Times’ Sept. 30 Letters to the Editor, my decision has now been made. Clark and his cronies made astonishingly poor decisions while on the Board of Supervisors, and it will take years, if not decades, for the county to crawl out of the hole they dug for us. For me, a Clark endorsement is the proverbial “kiss of death.”

On an unrelated election issue, I continue to be amazed at the running flap over Commonwealth’s Attorney Georgette Phillips’ residency. Perhaps those opposing her on the basis of alleged non-residency should turn their attentions to the real residency issue in our County, namely, County Administrator Anne Seward’s legal and actual residency in Surry County. This is the only jurisdiction in all of Hampton Roads that, for reasons that wholly escape me, doesn’t require its most senior official to actually live in the county that employs her. Seward has no skin in the game, and her decisions reflect that.

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Deborah Wyld