Backing Darden

Published 8:34 pm Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Editor, Smithfield Times

While I am not a resident of the Windsor District, I would strongly urge those of you who are to vote to reelect Dee Dee Darden as your Supervisor.

Although she was in agreement with much of the 2040 plan, Mrs. Darden listened not only to the people in her district, but to those in the county who voiced their opposition, and voted against the proposal.

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Mrs. Darden is a well-respected and longtime resident of Isle of Wight County — outgoing, open and friendly to all she meets. In addition to farming 600-plus acres with her husband Tommy, she runs a country store, cures over 1,000 hams yearly, and participates in countless community and charitable events.

Her duties as supervisor entail far more than the monthly meetings. She spends much of each day dealing with county business, and represents IOW on the Transportation Planning Organization and the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission.

Your vote for Dee Dee Darden will ensure her continued dedication to county citizens and her willingness to listen to any and all concerns of all who are fortunate enough to live in this great community.

Regina Haggerty