IW salary increases released
Published 2:01 pm Wednesday, October 28, 2015
By Diana McFarland
News editorThe average pay raise for Isle of Wight County full-time employees who received one was about $3,700, according to salary information released Oct. 23 by Isle of Wight County.
The highest pay increase was $26,139, and that went to Jason Gray, director of information technology. The increases come after a new salary and compensation study approved by the Isle of Wight Board of Supervisors in August.
Of the roughly 219 full-time employees, close to two thirds got a raise. Of those that did get a raise, nearly 40 percent were in the Isle of Wight County Sheriff’s Office.
Nine employees received raises in excess of $10,000, and of those, five were department heads and two were in the sheriff’s office. The remaining two worked in general services and the Isle of Wight County Circuit Court Clerk’s office.
Of the county’s full-time employees, six make more than $100,000 a year. {mprestriction ids=”1,2,3,4,5,6″}
Employees were notified of the pay increase via a letter dated Sept. 8. The pay increase went into effect Oct. 1. The increases were the result of a study conducted by Evergreen Solutions, but did not result in a pay increase for all employees.
The Smithfield Times first requested the salary information Sept. 9.
Salaries were adjusted based on those whose pay was below their new pay grade range minimum, which was adjusted to the new minimum; each employee’s salary was adjusted based on their time in their job title and on a 30-year career path philosophy to were the salary should be in the new pay grade range, capped at midpoint, according to the letter to employees.
The pay raises come after an across-the-board two percent pay increase earlier this year to offset increased health care costs.
The study was prompted by issues with filling certain positions, turnover, new employees being compensated at the same rate as longer-term employees, outdated and obsolete job descriptions and balancing salary with other benefits.
The total cost to implement the pay and classification study, including the Sheriff’s Office, was estimated at $817,230.
Employees receiving more than a $10,000 increase were:
Jason Gray, director of information technology — $73,781.89 to $99,921.10
Mark Furlo, director of parks and recreation — $79,406.95 to $94,265.60
Donnie Brown, sergeant, Sheriff’s Office — $48,230.88 to $62,645.50
Mary Beth Johnson, director of human resources — $85,680 to $99,921.10
Steve Hatcher, general services public utilities operations manager — $57,809.65 to $71,821.30
Art Berkley, director of inspections — $84,452.12 to $97,973
Joseph Willard, captain, Sheriff’s Office — $69,542.64 to $82,260
Judy Winslow, director of tourism — $78.294.28 to $88.929.40
Kathleen Torrence, chief deputy clerk, circuit court — $41,937.23 to $44,611.91
Full-time employees making more than $100,000
Anne Seward, county administrator $160,140
Mark Popovich, county attorney $143,009.91
Michael Terry, director of finance $134,063.44
Don Robertson, director of information resources and legislative affairs $112,375
Thomas Elder, director of economic development $112,000
Beverly Walkup, director of planning and zoning $104,718.62 {/mprestriction}