How tall is a truly patriotic flag?
Published 1:07 pm Wednesday, November 18, 2015
By Debbie Cohen
Staff WriterWINDSOR — Is a bigger flag and pole more patriotic than a smaller one? That is one of the questions being pondered by the Windsor Town Council as discussions over a honorary flag pole stretch on for nearly a year and a half.
The proposed flagpole is to honor former Town Council member Wesley Garris.
The issue was discussed again at the November Town Council meeting.{mprestriction ids=”1,2,3,4,5,6″}
Town Council member Tony Ambrose said he thought an 80 foot pole was “extreme,” and that a smaller, 20 foot pole would be adequate to convey the message that Windsor is a patriotic town.
“If we have to put up a flag to be patriotic, then we must not be very patriotic at all,” he said.
“A regular-size flagpole with a regular-size flag will produce the same effect.”
“We can most probably do something smaller with the American and the Virginia State flag that would be less expensive,” said Windsor Mayor Rita Richardson.
Ambrose said there is a normal size flag by Farmers Bank, near Shirley Drive and it looks fine.
The town’s flagpole is slated to go next to Shirley Drive along Route 460 and next to the new police station.
The proposed 80 foot flagpole and flag is estimated to cost about $20,000. Installing the pole will cost about $17,300, with another $2,000 for lighting, said Town Manager Michael Stallings.
The Town Council plans to continue exploring its options before making a final decision. {/mprestriction}