Ball complex a ‘no brainer’

Published 8:43 pm Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Editor, Smithfield Times

    I am writing this letter in support of the proposal by Mr. Luter to donate $2 million for the sports complex, (in addition to the previous $1 million), with only two stipulations: One, that the complex bears his father’s name, and two, that the County provide $250,000. The Town of Smithfield has offered to front the money and allow the County to repay, interest free, over a long period of time.

    I live in the Newport District and have no children who will benefit from this. But I do have two grandchildren who could benefit and numerous “daycare grandchildren” that attend my wife’s daycare that could benefit from this. There are also youngsters from my church that could benefit.

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    I realize the complex would be located in Smithfield, but would benefit children from at least three of the five districts in the county! Possibly, even Windsor residents could benefit from Pop Warner, so maybe four of the five districts can benefit! One argument is, that the complex would not serve the entire county. My question to Mr. Alphin, Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Acree is, where in the county could we spend $250,000 over a long term, interest free, and in turn receive $3.1 million at no cost to taxpayers and provide a service to all residents in the county? Of course the answer is, nowhere!

    That does not take into account the economic impact that would it have. Please, Board of Supervisors, approve this expenditure and show the people in the county that you are a board of the people and for the people! Do something positive. Don’t let the fact that Mr. Luter chooses to graciously support activities and causes in Smithfield blind your vision for the county. And fellow residents, please urge your supervisor to support this endeavor. To me, this is really a no-brainer, unlike some of the other “investments” past boards have made.

Don Gregory