Letters to the editor – August 10th, 2016

Published 6:31 pm Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Bike path concerns

    Editor, Smithfield Times

    As my husband and I were driving on Nike Park Road last week, we talked about the proposed bike path and its negative impact on our community. First of all, what makes a plan made in 2001 relevant in 2016? At that time, the projected cost must have been significantly less than the actual cost today. Not only does the cost increase because of inflation, but the cost to county taxpayers has increased because of the cost of compensating those whose property is being appropriated for this project.

    Other questions remain: How will the path’s construction impact travel on that road and for how long? There is already significant traffic there as a result of the “improved” Benn’s Church intersection.

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    Someone praised the bike path as a way to cut down on vehicular emissions; he rides his bike to the grocery or convenience store. Are there plans to add such businesses to Nike Park Road? How does one transport a week’s worth of groceries for a family of four on a bike?


    It was suggested that bike riding might be an option for helping to treat our national obesity problem. As taxpayers and insurance policy holders, we already contribute to the cost of treating problems resulting from obesity. I see no need for the County to ask us to further fund treatment of that health hazard.

    And what damage will creating the bike path do to the environment?  A bridge for the path is necessary. What impact will that construction have on the current and future health of the wetlands?

    A consideration in favor of the bike path is the fact that it may bring tourists to Isle of Wight County. Having Smithfield become a “tourist destination” for cyclists is, no doubt, good for our merchants and the county’s “bottom line,” but how many cyclists are projected to use the path? How are those of us who live here affected? Our town is a busy little place! My family and I seldom venture into town and we avoid it on weekends. Thank goodness for Berry Hill Road and the bypass.

    I understand that the bike path will be constructed, however, I will be sad when the bushes, trees and parts of beautiful fields on Nike Park Road are gone.

    Molly Lundie


They lived a dream

    Editor, Smithfield Times

    In regard to the article “Road Trip,” on page 9 in the July 27 issue, I applaud Diana McFarland for writing in an entertaining way a most interesting account of a modern-day saga, and a “well-done” to the person responsible for the layout.

    To the intrepid adventurers themselves — Al Casteen, Jerry Nichols and Sonny Weil — a tip of the hat and congratulations! You had a dream, and you lived it.

    Allan C. Hanrahan


Hiroshima reminder

    Editor, Smithfield Times

    Seventy one years ago, on 6 August 1945 at 0245 hours, a B29 was using up the the the last few 100 feet of an 8,500-foot runway from Tinian Island (Marianas). The Victor number of 82 (tail number nowadays) voice call sign of “dimples 82” was heading toward Japan with one bomb onboard (little boy).

    Col. Paul Tibbets was the pilot, Capt. Bob Lewis was the Enola Gay plane Commander and co-pilot and Maj Tom Ferebee was the bombardier, and 9 other crew members made up the remainder of the crew.

    Enola Gay was accompanied by #89 Great Artise, #83 Full House, #85 Straight Flush, #72 Top Secret, #71 Jabit III, #88 Up an’ Atom, #91 Necessary Evil. Around six hours of flight time, the target of Hiroshima was in sight.

    That flight would change things forever, as the world would enter the “Nuclear Era” when a nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Just thought your readers would like a little reminder of History.

    Earle Southard


Nothing’s normal

    Editor, Smithfield Times

    What’s this world coming to? First there were the lesbians, then the gays, then the bisexuals, and now the transgenders.

    God either made you a boy or a girl. Has God gotten so mixed up he doesn’t know what he is doing?

    Boys and girls are living together without being married. Doesn’t marriage mean anything anymore?

    Now, there are all these killings. Doesn’t life mean anything anymore?

    Why can’t people live a normal life and live in peace?

    Ruth Price