Letters to the editor – November 8th, 2017

Published 9:20 pm Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Time for guns action

Editor, Smithfield Times Now is not the time to talk. That time has passed long ago. Now is the time to stop this gun madness in America.

Stop supporting that group of idiots at the NRA and the politicians who take the NRA’s money and let our citizens continue to be slaughtered.

It is time to repeal the out-of-date, misunderstood and misused 2nd Amendment.

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I will never support any politician, at any level of government, who takes money or support of any kind from the NRA. To get my vote, you must fight the NRA and every politician who provides any type of support too the NRA.

For me, there is no middle ground and certainly no compromise.

Ed Easter

Do something For veterans

Editor, Smithfield Times Please do not just say “Thank you for your service.” Do something . There are many Veteran Service Organizations in our communities that do not have the resources to assist the Veterans that are in need. We need assistance from medical professionals to file disability claims. To keep the bills paid for us to exist & many other needs.

You do not have to be a Veteran or a family member of a Veteran. We will find something for you to do.

Claude W Reeson
Surry American Legion
Post 160 service officer