Steve Stewart, Author at Smithfield Times - Page 6 of 8

Dispatches from Wharf Hill

Tipline enables the divisiveness it aims to defeat

The thorny path to level-headed consensus about what Virginia’s schoolchildren should be taught about race and sexuality mustn’t go down rabbit holes. That’s where Gov. ... Read more

by Steve Stewart, Tuesday, February 8, 2022 4:46 pm

Dispatches from Wharf Hill

Groupspeak is ill-advised ‘protocol’

Perhaps the most overrated goal in governance is unity. That’s not to endorse the partisan toxicity that grips today’s Washington, D.C., where Democrats and Republicans ... Read more

by Steve Stewart, Tuesday, January 18, 2022 5:05 pm

Dispatches from Wharf Hill

Could blue wave hit red Isle of Wight?

Wouldn’t it be something if Isle of Wight County, perhaps the reddest of Tidewater localities, was represented entirely by Democrats in Richmond and Washington, D.C.? ... Read more

by Steve Stewart, Tuesday, January 11, 2022 4:46 pm

Dispatches from Wharf Hill

Redistricting map a mixed bag for Isle of Wight

Gerrymandering, a word inspired by a Massachusetts governor (named Gerry) who once drew political boundaries so creatively that a particular district resembled a salamander, has ... Read more

by Steve Stewart, Tuesday, December 14, 2021 3:35 pm

Dispatches from Wharf Hill

IWCS critics might get more help from guv than board

An overhauled Isle of Wight County School Board, which will have seen four of its five seats change hands by January, is unlikely to appease ... Read more

by Steve Stewart, Tuesday, December 7, 2021 3:50 pm

Dispatches from Wharf Hill

Thankful for hometown merchants in IW, Surry

This robust week of holiday commerce reminds us again of the importance of shopping at home. Despite the many reasons we hear from consumers for ... Read more

by Steve Stewart, Tuesday, November 23, 2021 4:51 pm

Dispatches from Wharf Hill

Let’s talk about something other than politics

When you read these words, the 2021 election will be over and the outcomes known unless, heaven forbid, a race is so close that it ... Read more

by Steve Stewart, Tuesday, November 2, 2021 4:07 pm

Dispatches from Wharf Hill

Gerrymandering won’t die an easy death

Turns out that hyperpartisan citizens are no better than hyperpartisan legislators when it comes to ending gerrymandering. Two-thirds of Virginia voters last fall took the ... Read more

by Steve Stewart, Tuesday, October 19, 2021 5:00 pm

Dispatches from Wharf Hill

Carrsville school board race is a bellwether

Is the uproar over Isle of Wight County Schools’ equity and inclusion movement the product of a few disgruntled parents and taxpayers? Or a much ... Read more

by Steve Stewart, Tuesday, October 5, 2021 5:36 pm

Dispatches from Wharf Hill

Dressed-down Smithfield shines as movie set

Smithfield acquits itself quite well as a movie set for the comedic drama “Mary 4 Mayor,” streaming now on Amazon Prime, YouTube, Roku and several ... Read more

by Steve Stewart, Tuesday, September 14, 2021 5:04 pm

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