
Isle of Wight hosts therapeutic recreation prom

Isle of Wight County Parks and Recreation and the cities of Suffolk, Chesapeake, Norfolk and Virginia Beach hosted ...


ABC larceny suspects arrested after multiple car chases through Smithfield

Two suspects accused of stealing $1,300 worth of alcohol from the South Church Street ABC store are in ...


IW School Board chairman opposes plan to share county CFO

At least one Isle of Wight County supervisor and some School Board members are proposing to merge their ...


Suspected car thief arrested after multi-day high-speed chases through Smithfield

A series of high-speed chases through Isle of Wight County that spanned 15 miles from Rushmere to the ...


Finalists place in Bland Music Competition

The Smithfield Lions Club recently held their annual Bland Music Competition at Trinity United Methodist Church in Smithfield.  ...


Smithfield Foods denies House GOP letter’s Chinese ‘infiltration’ claim

A Republican-led U.S. Senate bill to exempt interstate commerce from California’s anti-cage hog farming law has the support ...



IWCS temporarily rehires 2010 finance director

Isle of Wight County Schools has recruited another recently retired school finance official to assist with budgeting for ...


Surry School Board seeks 4.8% increase from supervisors for 2024-25

Surry County Public Schools is seeking just over $600,000 in additional local funding for the coming 2024-25 school ...

isle of wight county courthouse


IW supervisors vote to move meetings to courthouse

Isle of Wight County supervisors will move their regular meeting location to the Young-Laine Courts Building starting March ...


Skill game legalization bill heads to Youngkin

Virginia’s ban on the slots-style video games that have proliferated in truck stops and convenience stores may be ...

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