
Editorial – Here we go again at IWCS: Another CFO gone

Given its recent history of overspending and general fiscal mayhem, we’d normally not suggest that Isle of Wight ...


Editorial – Surry data center shouldn’t be  controversial

A combination data center and hydrogen fuel hub stands to permanently transform Surry County from an economically challenged ...


Editoral – Further proof of unhealthy growth in Isle of Wight

Just in case the U.S. Census Bureau isn’t reliable enough for town and county elected officials, the esteemed ...


Editorial – Town Council does the right thing on tax rate

We’re never thrilled about a tax increase, but the Smithfield Town Council made the right decision by adopting ...


Editorial – Rural Virginia under assault in Richmond

Virginia’s ambitious quest for carbon-free electricity production might mean the ruin of its beautiful countryside. As our Stephen ...


Editorial – Bryan is right about text change in zoning law

We agree with Charles Bryan: The Town of Smithfield is stepping onto a slippery slope if it begins ...


Editorial – Be transparent on cause of public schools’ fiscal mess

The last thing Isle of Wight County Schools needs right now is a crisis of citizen confidence in ...


Editorial – Growth task force is badly needed

It might be a couple of years too late, especially for the Town of Smithfield, but we hope ...


Editorial – Give voters say on how to fund new schools

We fully grasp both sides of the debate over whether income taxes or consumption taxes are the fairer ...


Editorial – 2024’s most urgent question

The floodgates are open. Will elected leadership shut them before residential growth overwhelms not just this community’s infrastructure ...

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