
Editorial – Tip of the hat  to IW planners 

The Smithfield Planning Commission should take a cue from its companion body in Isle of Wight County and ...


Editorial – ‘Yes, Virginia, there  is a Santa Claus’

In 1897, young Virginia O’Hanlon had a burning question that only her hometown newspaper could be trusted to ...


Editorial – Growth machine keeps churning

A consultant’s projection of more than a thousand new students in Isle of Wight’s public schools in the ...


Editorial – Town’s on a roll with VDOT; keep pushing

Turns out that you can reason with VDOT. State Del. Emily Brewer, R-Isle of Wight, and Smithfield Mayor ...


Editorial – Grange plan better, but still too risky

Joseph Luter IV’s new iteration of the Grange at 10Main, an ambitious mixed-use development on the edge of ...


Editorial – Many reasons to be thankful

On Thursday, Americans will pause to count their blessings. For those of us at The Smithfield Times, our ...


Editorial – Town must be transparent in filling council seats

The Smithfield Town Council should tread carefully with appointments to fill two vacancies on the seven-member body. Anything ...


Editorial – Make Christmas season merry for  hometown merchants

The occasion of last week’s Holiday Open House in Downtown Smithfield and the upcoming Mistletoe Market remind us ...


Editorial – Big picture must be considered on housing growth

Finally, perhaps, a breakthrough in town and county leadership’s mindset on residential growth, this community’s most pressing opportunity ...


Editorial – Come see us downtown for Halloween

We’re a little biased, but in a fall season jammed with fun events, the best party of all ...

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