
Column – What’s in a name? Two connotations for Grange

Selection of the name Grange for the community’s latest proposed housing project is intriguing. It’s the latest in ...


Column – Estelle Jamison ‘poured heart and soul’ into Smithfield 

Estelle Jamison, who died recently, never forgot her Irish roots, but we’re a far better place today because ...


Column – Smithfield, IW have ‘managed’ growth for 60 years

Those Smithfield and Isle of Wight residents who regularly sit in ever-increasing traffic congestion, and view what seems ...


Column – IW growth spurt began in 1970s and hasn’t slowed

When Arthur Smith platted a couple of streets for housing lots and named them Smithfield in 1752, the ...


Column – Shad’s decline is reminder to protect what we have

Civilization as we know and practice it — and, for that matter, love it — comes at a ...


Column – Bicentennial’s legacy has both endured and faded

Public anniversaries offer an opportunity for communities to be creative. Lots of ideas frequently flow, some of which ...


Column – Chapman was prominent name in Smithfield retail

According to the late Segar Cofer Dashiell, Smithfield’s indefatigable historian, 1694 was about when the Chapman family first ...


Column – Student voices unite, bring hope amid much division 

It sometimes seems the ideological divide that is turning education topsy-turvy in much of the country, including right ...


Column – Smithfield’s architectural diversity continues to impress 

Whether they’re architectural historians, old-house buffs or just curious travelers, visitors to Smithfield year after year are fascinated ...


Column – IW School Board erases half-century of progress

Three Isle of Wight School Board members seem to have accomplished what multiple states and the federal government ...

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