
Letter – Sups disregard the citizenry

Editor, The Smithfield Times: Supervisors don’t represent citizens on solar farms. The energy task force? What a joke, ...


Letter – Downsides of solar farms

Editor, The Smithfield Times: Citizens, I want to address Carver Solar’s proposal to develop a 1,138.5-acre solar facility ...


Letter – More history heroes

Editor, The Smithfield Times:  Here are some more local history heroes and heroines to add to those John ...


Letter – Unpopular Surry plan

Editor, The Smithfield Times: A significant number of citizens spoke against the Surry County biannual tax proposal during ...


Letter – For ‘responsible leadership’

Editor, The Smithfield Times: In considering the candidates for Town Council in the upcoming election, we all must ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter – Supports Collins

Editor, The Smithfield Times: First, I’d like to thank you for the refreshing approach of using a single ...


Letter – Council should listen to citizens

Editor, The Smithfield Times: With the election rapidly approaching I believe the need for transparency is more evident ...

Letters To The Editor

Letter – No to ‘Cottages’ special permits

Editor, The Smithfield Times: We, the residents of The Villas of Smithfield located on Battery Park Road, understand ...


Letter – Set education bar higher

Editor, The Smithfield Times: Maybe people missed it, or maybe people these days don’t care or are too ...


Letter – No logic for Surry change

Editor, The Smithfield Times: First, thank you for printing your article (“Surry proposes biannual tax billing,” Aug. 21) ...

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